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Posted on 01 September 2010 by permodalanbmt

Keberadaan Lembaga Keuangan Mikro Syari’ah BMT saat ini menjadi salah satu infrastruktur penting yang turut membantu dalam meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat khususnya para Usaha Kecil Mikro (UKM) di Jawa Barat. Diantara aktivitas BMT adalah melakukan intermediasi keuangan mikro yakni dengan penghimpunan dana simpanan dari masyarakat, pemberian pembiayaan usaha dengan pola bagi hasil dan pola lainnya yang sesuai dengan Syari’ah, serta menjadi jembatan bagi Muzakki (pemberi Zakat/ Aghniya) dengan para Mustahiq (penerima Zakat). Sedangkan salah satu faktor penting dalam pengelolaan BMT adalah peningkatan kualitas Sumber Daya Insani (SDI), dimana faktor ini cukup dominan dalam menjaga keberlanjutan dan perkembangan BMT. Dengan semakin tingginya tingkat kepercayaan ummat terhadap keberadaan BMT, maka semakin besar pula tantangan yang harus dijawab dalam menjaga amanah ummat agar BMT tetap memberikan pelayanan dengan AMANAH, PROFESIONAL, PRODUKTIF, DAN SESUAI SYARI’AH.

Oleh karena itu, BMT Center Korwil Jawa Barat bekerjasama dengan Absindo Jabar mengadakan pelatihan bersama tentang Kesehatan BMT dan Bedah Akad-Akad Syariah, adapun pemateri yang dihadirkan adalah para tokoh dan pegiat syariah masa-masa awal seperti:

  1. Bpk. Nurman Ernanta Ghani pemateri Kesehatan BMT (beliau adalah pengajar akuntansi syariah pertama di Indonesia).
  2. Bpk. Hasbi Mauriza Hasyim pemateri bedah akad-akad syariah (beliau adalah Direktur Bank Syariah pertama di Indonesia)

Adapun maksud dan tunjuan diadakannya pelatihan adalah sebagai berikut:


  1. Menanamkan sikap mental para pengelola BMT sehingga dapat istiqomah/ konsisten dalam mengamalkan perekonomian/ muamalah yang sesuai dengan Syari’at Islam di lembaga BMT/ LKMS.
  2. Memberikan wawasan Pengetahuan tentang dasar-dasar operasional BMT/ KJKS khususnya tentang : Organisasi BMT, Prinsip dan produk Syari’ah BMT, Manajemen Pembiayaan, laporan keuangan BMT, Perhitungan Bagihasil Simpanan & Pembiayaan, Baitul Maal, dan Analisa Lap. Keuangan.
  3. Memberikan Ketrampilan kepada para pengelola BMT khususnya yang baru mengenal BMT maupun yang belum pernah mengikuti pelatihan dasar untuk dapat menyusun langkah yang tepat dalam operasional BMT.
  4. Standar Kompetensi :

–          Memahami prinsip dasar Baitul Maal dan Baitut Tamwil serta organisasinya,

–          Mampu menjelaskan perbedaan Sistem Ekonomi Syari’ah & sistem ekonomi konvensional,

–          Memahami Produk syari’ah BMT,

–          Mampu menghitung bagi hasil simpanan dan bagihasil pembiayaan.


a        Menanamkan sikap mental para pengelola BMT sehingga dapat istiqomah/ konsisten dalam mengamalkan perekonomian/ muamalah yang sesuai dengan Syari’at Islam di lembaga BMT/ LKMS.

b        Memberikan Refresh/ Penyegaran dan penambahan wawasan Pengetahuan tentang operasional BMT/ LKMS khususnya tentang : Analisa Kesehatan (Manajemen keuangan BMT) dan  Aplikasi Akad Syari’ah.

c         Menciptakan jaringan komunikasi antar pengelola BMT di Jawa-Barat guna terjalinnya transformasi segala bentuk aktivitas dan perkembangan BMT.

  1. Standar Kompetensi :

–          Memahami prinsip Rasio Kesehatan BMT dan perencanaan Keuangan BMT yang baik.

–          Mampu mengimplementasikan produk-produk sesuai Akad Syari’ah.

Pelatihan ini diikuti oleh 36 BMT se Jawa Barat seperti: BMT Al-Ishlah Cirebon, BMT Al Falah Cirebon, BMT Khusnul Aulia Cirebon, BMT Al-Amin Sumedang, BMT Al-Amanah Sumedang, BMT Al-Marzuqiyah, BMT Mardlotillah, BMT Baraya Bandung, BMT Sanama Bandung, BMT Madani Bogor, BMT Aqobah Bogor, BMT Ibaadurrahaman Bogor, BMT Ikhtiarrahman Bogor, BMT Amal Atina Bogor, BMT Azka Bogor, BMT Mitra Madani Cianjur, BMT El Fajr Cianjur, BMT El Investa Mubarokah Cianjur, BMT Nurul Ummah Sukabumi, BMT EL-Annur Sukabumi, BMT Al-Anhar Sukabumi, BMT El Salam Sumedang, BMT El-Falah Sumedang, BMT El Fath Cirebon dan masih banyak yg lainnya.

UUS BTN kucurkan kredit Rp20 miliar ke BMT Ventura

Posted on 20 August 2010 by permodalanbmt

Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia.

Pertumbuhan BMT Bakal Catat Rekor

Posted on 15 February 2010 by permodalanbmt

Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia.

PT. Permodalan BMT Double The Asset

Posted on 06 January 2010 by permodalanbmt

pedagangpasarJAKARTA – PT. Permodalan BMT will expand its scope in order to reach the target in 2010. This year, BMT targeted for the asset IDR 50 billion-60 billion.
Chief Executive Officer of PT. Permodalan BMT, Saat Suharto, said in a draft of business plan which is being drawn up. In 2010 the assets will be doubled increase from 2009.”In 2010, our company’s asset value has a target to IDR 50 billion to 60 billion and profit IDR 1.3 billion,” said to Republika, last week.

In order to achieve assets enhancement and corporate profits, he added that there will be increase for financing value. As revealed in 2010 financial targets will be at least IDR 138 billion. Until November 2009, PT. Permodalan BMT has assets IDR 27.4 billion with profit gain IDR 700 million.In an attempt to boost the value of financing, said currently, PT. Permodalan BMT will make expansively micro-financing to BMT. To achieve the goal, we will begin open the new markets of financing.”If in previous years we focused on customer area in Central Java and Yogyakarta, then in 2010 we will be more present in Jakarta, West Java and East Java,” Saat said currently.

This strategy, he added,meant to encourage BMT Center as a BMT association to expand membership in these areas, because PT. Permodalan BMT provides financing to certain BMT who had joined in BMT Center.BMT Center
Related to membership of BMT Center, Saat said, in 2009 there are two members who are expelled because of unrequire with members performance standards. But in the same year, there are increased eight new members. Thus the number of members of BMT Center in 2009 to 144 units, increased from 138 units in 2008″. n 2010 there will be 30 BMT who were waiting for the process of becoming members,” Saat said.

According to Saat, 2010 was a good year for Islamic microfinance institutions to flourish. This is supported by the existence of several banks existing and new conventional banks and Islamic Banks will enter in the micro sector. They offer a number of financing over IDR 50 million per outstanding, especially with consumer financing.
”But this is necessary to guard in case so as not to be over-flow needs, so it will attract competition which ignores the element of prudence,” Saat said.

As for financing at rates below IDR 50 million, he added, it will be accessibility issues. It was hoped, there will be synergies between banking and linkage portfolio of Permodalan BMT to increase financing for micro entrepreneurs for outstanding below IDR 20 million.However, there are several threats, especially from the rise of new institutions engaged in microfinance that are sometimes operated without using the principles of good governance (good corporate governance or GCG), which is why we need to remind the government regulator to limit loss new laws and increased surveillance.

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A High Society Access to BMT

Posted on 10 November 2009 by permodalanbmt

JAKARTA- public accessibility to BMT becomes higher. It is seen from the growth figures both of savings and BMT financing which continues to grow each year. Executive Director of the BMT Center, Ahmad Sumiynto said in a study conducted on samples of 50 members of BMT Center showed the number of members increased funding per year, plus the value of relatively small portfolio shows high public accessibility.
“Access to financial institutions will speed up transactions, making economic growth in the region increase, ” Sumiyanto said, Friday (6 / 11).
Providing access to micro entrepreneurs to financial institutions, he added, is one effort towards economic distribution becomes more equitable and fair. As shown by the data providing financing to micro entrepreneurs is always smaller than the small, medium and large business
“From this study expected to be a Policy Brief for the government to determine its policy direction in providing access to micro entrepreneurs, especially using Islamic patterns,” Sumiyanto said.

CEO of PT. Permodalan BMT Ventura is also one of the researchers said that the study conducted for 50 members of BMT Center in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi, Banten, West Java, Central Java, Yogyakarta and East Java is using data from 2005 until 2008.
From the data, BMT is able to channel financing to micro entrepreneurs with the cost of each member in the year 2005 amounted to IDR 1.13 million per portfolio financing; in 2006 amounted to IDR 1.16 million per portfolio financing; 2007 amounted to IDR1.94 million per portfolio financing and in the year 2008 amounting to IDR 2.68 million per portfolio financing. “This indicates that BMT can touch the micro entrepreneurs,” Saat said.
In terms of the number who receive benefits, the number of members who have had a very large financing in 2005 of 259,850 registered members, in the year 2006 recorded 281,811 registered members in 2007 and 313,225 members in 2008 as many as 396,150 members
The existence of these studies, further time, allowing the formation of a model for microfinance based syariah institutions – that can be used as a means to reduce poverty. he explained that it can be done in a way to provide guidance and capacity building efforts.

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Bright prospects for BMT Indonesia

Posted on 10 October 2009 by permodalanbmt

The future of Islamic microfinance institutions typical Indonesia such as Baitul Maal wat Tamwil (BMT) is brighter. These institutions could even attract the attention of international financial institutions.

According to CEO of PT. Permodalan BMT Ventura, Saat Suharto positively assessed the future growth because of seeing a growing community appreciation, governments, and international institutions like Islamic Development Bank (IDB), Research Institute of Australia and Indonesia, and other institutions related to the existence of BMT in Indonesia .

“The problem lies in the consistency of government through regulation in favor of the existence of BMT and BMT own activists consistent in the service of micro-finance sector,” Saat said. For example, through legislation microfinance institutions as a legal corporation .

In these efforts, Saat continued, BMT Center collaborates with all sharia stakeholders makes mutual support and disseminate ideas of BMT microfinance. In BMT’s motion affirming as microfinance movement typical Islamic in Indonesia, he added, it was initiated in 2010 at an international event among microfinance agents.
Executive Director and Business Incubation Center Small (PINBUK), Aslichan Burhan said, ” to continue improving services to the community, BMT must prepare a fast information technology services, so it can compete with the banks. Because, on the other side BMT also has the advantage that can be more empowering communities having proximity to local communities. “For the margin of profit sharing could also compete for BMT is a daily business that will turn over so quickly,” said Aslichan.

To help the Indonesian microfinance sector, he expects at least BMT can stand in every district in Indonesia. Nowadays, PINBUK continue to improve cooperation with the central government and regional, as well as other Islamic financial institutions. At least 3000 BMT throughout Indonesia.
Some times ago a messenger of IDB came to Indonesia to learn about BMT. BMT which in recent years grow with a minimum of 20 percent made Indonesia was chosen as a pilot project for BMT development in other countries.

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BMT Capital Financing Up To 53 Percent

Posted on 29 September 2009 by permodalanbmt

JAKARTA-Islamic financial institutions recorded a significant increase compared with last year. Similarly, financing of PT. Permodalan BMT Ventura has had an increase of 53.9 percent compared with last period. As of August 2009, PT. Permodalan BMT recorded financing IDR 16.7 billion, while in August 2008 amounted to IDR 10.8 billion.
Although this year the distribution of financing until August had not yet reached half of the target , but the CEO of PT. Permodalan BMT Ventura Capital BMT, Saat Suharto was able to express a sense of optimism to reach the target which it has an amount of IDR 50 bill
“It has not occurred to us to revise our financial targets this year. It is not yet fully achieved, but we remain optimistic that the targets will be exceeded, “said currently
To boost financing in achieving the target, more over, to realize the financing request , one of step that will be optimized is to encourage BMT to make a filing of financing to PT. Permodalan BMT.
The amount of financing per August 2009 that PT. Permodalan BMT Ventura distributed to 62 BMTs was increasing compared with last year as many as 55 BMT. Nowadays, total development of BMT which had received funding from PT. Permodalan BMT has had total assets of IDR 481 billion.
To obtain financing from PT. Permodalan BMT Ventura is one of the requirements incorporated with BMT Center. Currently, there are at least 137 members of BMT Center.
From the financing which was distributed per August 2009 to the trade sector is still be a majority with 53.8 percent. While the services sector is about 21 percent, industry is about 3.2 percent of households, other sectors are about 15 percent and several other sectors such as transport, farming and plantations, and agriculture.
In August 2009, PT. Permodalan BMT Ventura recorded a profit of IDR 449 million with assets of IDR 20,4 billion. The number increased in August 2008 compared with the profit achievement IDR 184 million and assets of IDR 14.3 billion.

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Projected End of Year 10,000 SME , Dompet Dhuafa Hold Creative Industry

Posted on 17 September 2009 by permodalanbmt

Speaking at a FreShadaqah forum (Thursday 10/09/09) organized by Fresh (Fredom of Sharing) community, a discussion event, gathering, networking, sharing of creative industry.
Prima Hadi Putra (General Manager, Resources Mobilization of Dompet Dhuafa) trying to find the fastest solution that can be done so that can quickly reduce the burden on the community.
In the casual discussions while breaking fast in Angkringan Wetiga, Kebayoran Baru, Putra deliberately exposed how the creative industries have a huge opportunity to be part of the solution to this problem. One of them became part of the value process transformation through his media.
“Almost all members of FreSh community have a social networking, both in the real world or virtual. It was a good vehicle for socialization care to others. If one among us has more than 2,000 friends on Facebook networking, then at least we have the opportunity to spread the value to our 2000 friend “, he provides with a good illustration.
Learning from the success of Grameen Bank, bank of the poor which was founded by Prof. Muhammad Yunus has successfully raised the degree of the poor in Bangladesh. The science has been studied by other countries as a pilot project of poverty reduction, more over that Prof. Muhammad Yunus was awarded a Nobel in 2006. What can be done yg Indonesian nation?
Judging from the experiences Dompet Dhuafa (DD) in poverty alleviation, at least DD has successfully gave birth to several social programs such as the provision of health care insurance to the poor through Health Services program for free ( that provides 24-hour service basic health care for the family plus orphans (indigent and poor) free of charge to the facility: General Poly, ER, Midwife, Inpatient, Guido Poli, Poli Nutrition, Pharmacy, tuberculosis (TB) Center, and Poly Specialist (Child, Heart , Neurology, Pulmonary, Gynecology, psychiatric, Surgery, Skin & Gender) come equipped with a patient programs Spiritual Development as an approach to the patient’s spiritual aspect.
In the field of economic empowerment, DD rolling hook giving program, such as programs Kampoeng Ternak ( that until the end of the year 2008 has reached 18 provinces in 1475 involving the head of the family farmer.
Another program that is run to empower the poor through community programs Masyarakat Mandiri (, which currently has scored more than 9077 heads of households microfinance providers. “Our target is completed to 10,000 by the end of this year”, Putra stated.

What is the sucess keys of Kampoeng Ternak & Masyarakat Mandiri ? They started by providing direct training, provision of capital and business consulting. Even that the companion by DD are required to stay with the business groups to explore the entire business. DD did not ask for any guarantees for working capital that is given to the public.

What if that capital is misused? Grameen Bank run the method No Collateral, No Legal Instrument, No Group-Guarantee or Joint Liability. DD has been doing with No Collateral & No Legal Instrument, Group Guarantee is precisely because they are required with the social control with their own co-workers, reply if there is abuse of the capital, they obliged to remind their colleagues since the system is in a revolving capital

For example:10 men in 1 group, the first beneficiary is the first four people, if there are capital abuses, so the money is not returned or reduced, then the chance for the next 6 people will be fail. This is the difference between Grameen Bank of Bangladesh and Grameen Bank of Indonesia conducted by DD. Another difference is the lack of promotion & public trust
Who is funder working for Capital DD for this poverty alleviation? The main funders are zakat, alms and infaq of society. The more money collected, the more dhuafa also helped.


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Sharia Financial Should Expand The Markets

Posted on 18 August 2009 by permodalanbmt

Jakarta__Competence of sharia finance industry is not only happening between the actors of sharia finance but also dealing with the conventional financial industry. The industry is claimed to be able to attract new customers among the float mass. The key is human resources (HR) to develop high quality innovative products.

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Crisis is going to be continued if Dollar backs up on monetary

Posted on 14 August 2009 by permodalanbmt

JAKARTA – Global economy crisis caused an appearance of Islamic financial issues occured at least once in 10 years has made many queries of capitalist system.

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