Islamic Development Bank (IDB) interest to learn Baitul Maal wat Tamwil (BMT) in Indonesia. BMT runs its activity based on sharia principle and empower poor society, so that makes BMT eye-catched . Continue Reading
Posted on 14 August 2009 by permodalanbmt
Islamic Development Bank (IDB) interest to learn Baitul Maal wat Tamwil (BMT) in Indonesia. BMT runs its activity based on sharia principle and empower poor society, so that makes BMT eye-catched . Continue Reading
Posted on 14 August 2009 by permodalanbmt
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Posted on 14 August 2009 by permodalanbmt
Jakarta-Financial crisis in United States (US) and other West Countries which triggered global financial crisis made Aqso Working Group (AWG) hold international economic seminar themed syaria economic. Iman Sulaiman, mouth piece of AWG said that this condition presents the biggest irony all the time. “Country that has collapsed in accounting such as US should be pariah state. But why are they still considered as powerful world economy?” he said on Thursday (13/8).
Iman explained, nowadays it appeares conciusness wave to find out and use new economy system which brings fairness implication, equity, comprehensive prosperity and eficiency aims achievement. The new economy concept is regarded to be urgently realized. The economy construction is done by objective analysis for all contemporary economy format with transparent viewpoint and fresh and comprehensive approach.
Iman continued, the fact has proved that unfairness global capitalist economy and its failure to overcome world economy crisis had gain the right solution for both muslims especially and world society generally, namely syaria economy which will be able to create prosperity and fairness for mankind.
Iman added, AWG held seminar themed “Syaria Economy as Solution For Global Economy Crisis” which means to equate ummah perception that syaria economy is the best economy concept, to construct fairness syaria economy, and to unify viewpoint, direction and aim to take strategic syaria economy steps for the sake of welfare and prosperity.
In press release accepted by Republika, that seminar will be filled up by some speakers, namely Prof. DR. Hasan Tsabit economy expert from Yaman, Prof. DR. Amin Azis chief of Small Business Incubation Center, DR. Riawan Amin chief of Indonesia Syaria Bank Association, IR. Muhaimin Iqbal president of Gerai Dinar, and Abdullah Fathoni, MM dinar dirham practitioner. DR. Adhyaksa Dault is besought as keynote speaker.
This seminar was held on Thursday (13/8) in Auditorium Adhyana Wisma Antara 2nd Floor Merdeka Selatan Street no. 17, Jakarta. “This seminar is open to economy practitioners, syaria financial institutions, academicians, mass organization delegation and Islamic organization, Islamic boarding school and masjid council, also journalist,” Iman said. C15/tq
Posted on 11 August 2009 by permodalanbmt
Cooperative business has grown rapidly in this country. As we can see in the list of 100 cooperatives which is spread by PIP, business volume of cooperative is not anymore played at hundreds million rupiah, but it goes through hundreds billion rupiah even trillion rupiah. Under 100 cooperatives with the highest business volume there are still fifty cooperatives which have business volume through dozen billion. The lowest rank is on the fifth sequence which has business volume through fifteen billion rupiah.
Ranking of 100 cooperatives which is arranged by PIP has material that is taken from various sources, some of them are obtained directly from field, including through regional bureau. So, it is not only relied on ordinary data, example from the government. To make sure the accuracy, checking and rechecking data is done.
Although they have worked hard, there is still available chance for unregistered cooperative because the data is not monitored by PIP or the cooperative is reluctant to give its data. However, with this list of 100 cooperatives, map of cooperative business progress has been able to be described. In listing process, PIP specializes in primary cooperative, besides fairness reason, progress of primary cooperative can have impact on society welfare increasing, because it is related directly to all members.
From business activity side, saving and loan unit is the most potential business done by cooperative and by handling it specifically also as business unit. Even, cooperative that is on the top which is Kospin Jasa Pekalongan, is cooperative specializing in saving and loan business. Five saving and loan cooperatives accompany Kospin Jasa in top ten. Kospin Jasa Pekalongan, can not only be representative of saving and loan cooperative victory, but also can be an icon of cooperative greatness in Indonesia, with business volume more than five trillion rupiah. If it is compared with its total asset 1.24 trillion rupiah, Kospin Jasa is regarded to be productive for company which moves on financial area.
Much more Victorious
Functional cooperative is the most included in the list of 100 cooperatives. This kind of cooperative is supported by solid membership. But in the past, progress of functional cooperative often stopped on certain level, because its work area is limited. Nowadays, many functional cooperatives are able to break through the limitation by escalating business range especially by expanding business beside saving and loan. The existence of Koperasi Warga Semen Gresik (KWSG) on the second position in the list 100 cooperatives is indication that can represent victory of functional cooperative in the father land. In the top ten, functional cooperative also places three other deputies, namely Koperasi PT. Indosat, Kopkar Astra dan Koperasi Denma Mabes TNI AU. In the top hundred, many cooperatives in state employee (KP-RI) can enter, the highest position is KP-RI Raung in East Java, whose business volume 62.55 billion rupiah.
It’s interesting to observe that cooperative based on profession indicates promising development, although it places one agent only in top hundred, namely Koperasi Jasa Kelistrikan East Java. This kind of cooperative has big potential along with the development of professional organization in Indonesia such as cooperative that exclusively compiles nurse even artist. It may develop being doctor cooperative, journalist cooperative and so on. Unfortunately, there is lack of socialization of this type of cooperative.
Then, how about cooperative of New Order heritage, namely Koperasi Unit Desa (KUD) and Koperasi Serba Usaha (KSU)? After the New Order collapsed, many people forecast KUD and KSU will also collapse. But, the forecasting is not 100% correct. There are some KUD and KSU that are not only able to survive after not receiving facility from the government but also able to create good achievement, even there are some that have been able to break through the top hundred big cooperative. Producer cooperative, especially which has member from breeder of cattle, is also on the top hundred. Unfortunately, cooperative which has member of craftsman is absent from the list. Whereas handicraft industry that includes creative industry is being developed incessantly.
How about the spread of cooperative including in the top hundred? Regions that succeed placing the most cooperative are East Java as many as 23 units, Jakarta following by bringing 18 cooperatives. It’s interesting that many cooperatives outside Java show off, for example in West Kalimantan there are 16 cooperatives deserve to be in the top hundred list. Then South Sulawesi can be proud of 6 cooperatives that include in the list. While East Kalimantan, which became host of 62nd cooperative anniversary, placed its 5 cooperatives that have good performance in the top hundred list. Another province has cooperative agent in the top hundred list even the amount is less than 10, or only one. However this fact is enough to indicate that cooperative has potential developing throughout Indonesia.
The problem is how the local government and stakeholder such as Local Dekopin stimulate society to have cooperative, all at once to provide guidance as appropriate. Even tough there are many cooperatives in the top ten list succeeded in developing business by themselves, it doesn’t mean coaching from government is not important. As enterprise which gathers and fights for citizen economic capacity increase, cooperative development still needs promoter to instruct all at once develop it, from individual or institutions. In a developing country like Indonesia, government role as cooperative promoter has been prevalence, mean while in other countries or adherent of liberal economic, the cooperative promoter is usually from individual, both intellectuals and entrepreneurs.
Posted on 07 August 2009 by permodalanbmt
Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia.
Posted on 29 July 2009 by permodalanbmt
Result of HSBC’s survey with theme “Emerging Market Small Bussiness Confidence Monitor” was presented in Jakarta, Tuesday (28/7)
Survey found that there is still hope for BMT in Indonesia in view of future economic growth. More than that, this sector predicted will be raise in capital increasing for business expansion in semester II/2009.
Head of Business Banking HSBC, Steve Miller, explained for the survey shows a happiness result because more than 80 percentage UKM spread in Indonesia have a positive point of view to increase its capital in Semester II/2009.
“it’s different with semester I/2009. At that time, when they faced the crisis, they prefer to stay and await for subsequent development (wait and see)” Miller Said.
Miller continues, Nowadays, UKM agents are more ready to act and start business. Whereas, based on survey result in Januari 2009, they choosed to be more patient to wait and see the development of on going crisis.
More to be explained that UKM sector stated that its readiness to increase business capital because they pointed the business climate is better more than that it will be more advantageous in long period.
Survey of Emerging Market Small Business Confidence Monitor is a middle-annual survey which is done by HSBC in UKM sector with 3.400 agent of UKM as respondent in 12 countries in Asia, South America, and Middle East
Survey was done in May and June 2009, HSBC presented some questions about plan of job increasing, capital investment and their trade development. This result is used for measuring their grade confidence beyond economic.
Miller admitted, agent of UKM of 8 countries in Asia religion shows an increase of belief in UKM sector growth, Indonesia is the most positive country with Vietnam, India and China.
Deputy Chairman of KADIN UKM and cooperation field Sandiaga Uno, in same place, he said, HSBC’s invention is a proof of UKM sector has stated to be national economic “tulang punggung”. KADIN will be more ready to support an access for capital and wider expand to market.” He said.
Before that, Ministry of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati explained the optimistic that this year economic in Indonesia will grow at 5 percentage, this is based on increase of Export in some key markets
Until last week, Sri Mulyani still clarified that government would not make a revision of economic growth because of some reasons in 2009 although there was a bomb in two luxurious hotels in Mega Kuningan region, South Jakarta.
Posted on 28 July 2009 by permodalanbmt
JAKARTA: Wakil Presiden Jusuf Kalla mengatakan sistem ekonomi syariah bisa menangkal krisis ekonomi global karena sistem itu didasarkan pada transaksi nyata dan mampu menciptakan kesejahteraan dan keadilan ekonomi. Continue Reading
Posted on 22 July 2009 by permodalanbmt
JAKARTA: Sejumlah kalangan menyarankan draf RUU Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) dibahas terlebih dulu sebelum menuntaskan RUU Jaring Pengaman Sistem Keuangan (JPSK) agar tidak tumpang-tindih klausul di dalamnya. Continue Reading
Posted on 21 July 2009 by permodalanbmt
Dalam perjalanannya, kehadiran BMT sejak tahun 1990-an telah berkembang dengan pesat hingga hari ini. Meski demikian, ada beberapa kendala yang masih dihadapinya. Terutama sekali dalam hal penyediaan sumber daya insani (SDI) yang handal dan mampu membuat terobosan bagi kebutuhan masyarakat terhadap keuangan syariah.
Posted on 15 July 2009 by permodalanbmt
JAKARTA: Pemerintah diminta merealisasi pendirian lembaga penjaminan simpanan koperasi jasa keuangan (LPS-KJK), dengan menuangkannya pada rancangan undang-undang perkoperasian yang diharapkan disahkan tahun ini. Continue Reading