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Posted on 07 May 2014 by admin


(Indonesia) UUS BTN kucurkan kredit Rp20 miliar ke BMT Ventura

Posted on 24 August 2010 by permodalanbmt

Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia.

International Muslim World is interested to Found BMT

Posted on 09 September 2009 by permodalanbmt

The development of Islamic finance in Indonesia turned out to be an example and want to be applied in other Muslim countries. This can be seen from visit of Dr. Mohammed Obaidullah, a senior researcher of Research and Training Institute – Islamic Development Bank (IRTI-IDB) based in Jeddah, which is doing research on the development of Islamic Microfinance System in Indonesia.
On August 20, 2009, which then, in Radius Prawiro building, Sharia Banking Directorate. CEO of PT Permodalan BMT Ventura Saat Suharto was invited to represent BMT Center to explain about BMT and its role in Islamic Microfinance system, data and related developments, development models that are relevant to the research
First research was presented by IRTI at the conference in collaboration with University of Brunei Darussalam in 2007 about opportunities and challenges of Islamic finance in providing financial services to the development of small micro medium enterprises (MSMEs)
In Brunei, the conference issued some issues that are presented include issue of economic empowerment model can be done by Islamic microfinance institutions (LKMS), issues of risk mitigation is most likely faced by LKMS, evaluation issues for LKMS who played dual function as a business and social entity, and the last issue the role of Islamic financial instruments such as zakat, infaq, Sadaqah and endowments as a source of cheap funds LKMS.
This second study was a continuation of first study to examine the development of Islamic Microfinance System in Indonesia. On this occasion, Saat Suharto presented result of study in 50 BMT members of BMT Center, the research that was presented by Saat Suharto was known that the existence of BMT have been trained the poor to save.
In addition, BMT also provide jobs, which provides financing to develop new entrepreneurs and human resources to recruit employees, thus BMT has helped open a new “lapangan pekerjaan” helping reduce the number of unemployed.
The second is pro-Poor, by empowering the poor providing either a Mudaraba financing, Musharaka, Murabaha, ijarah and Qordh
And the last is Pro-Productivity: BMT as an intermediary institution between the owners of capital with entrepreneurs help small businesses increase productivity. This is seen in financing that provided to majority of entrepreneurs to expand businesses that endured such small businessmen, and most of these efforts are the merchant, thereby increasing the productivity of society.
This will have implications to the public that BMT helping welfare of the poor and became a bridge between capital owners and small businessmen.
In addition to achieving the success of BMT include:

a. BMT has been able to become Wealth Management Services.
b. BMT Micro Entrepreneur Capable Touch portfolio with the Low Score.
c.BMT held Housing Savings.
d. BMT makes Financing Qord contract (with Commercial fund basic).
e. BMT Gathering Financing Fund and Social Maal.
f. Making Microinsurance.

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Indonesia becomes a Pilot Project of BMT Development

Posted on 18 August 2009 by permodalanbmt

Jakarta – Indonesia becomes pilot project for the development pattern of  Baitul Maal wat Tamwil (BMT) in other countries. Executive Director of Incubation and Small Business Center (Pinbuk), Aslichan Burhan said ” to develop a pattern of BMT, Pinbuk works together with Islamic Development Bank (IDB) and the Grameen Trust (a subsidiary of Grameen Bank). Continue Reading

IDB interested in study of BMT

Posted on 14 August 2009 by permodalanbmt

Islamic Development Bank (IDB) interest to learn Baitul Maal wat Tamwil (BMT) in Indonesia. BMT runs its activity based on sharia principle and empower poor society, so that makes BMT eye-catched . Continue Reading

(Indonesia) Tingkatkan Aset Bank Syariah Dengan Dana Pemerintah

Posted on 14 August 2009 by permodalanbmt

Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia.

Ekonomi Syariah Bisa Tangkal Krisis

Posted on 28 July 2009 by permodalanbmt

JAKARTA: Wakil Presiden Jusuf Kalla mengatakan sistem ekonomi syariah bisa menangkal krisis ekonomi global karena sistem itu didasarkan pada transaksi nyata dan mampu menciptakan kesejahteraan dan keadilan ekonomi. Continue Reading

Agar Tidak Tumpang Tindih, Draf RUU OJK Secepatnya Dibahas

Posted on 22 July 2009 by permodalanbmt

JAKARTA: Sejumlah kalangan menyarankan draf RUU Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) dibahas terlebih dulu sebelum menuntaskan RUU Jaring Pengaman Sistem Keuangan (JPSK) agar tidak tumpang-tindih klausul di dalamnya. Continue Reading

Workshop of Executive Review BMT Institute: Menyiapkan Sumber Daya Insani yang Handal

Posted on 21 July 2009 by permodalanbmt

Dalam perjalanannya, kehadiran BMT sejak tahun 1990-an telah berkembang dengan pesat hingga hari ini. Meski demikian, ada beberapa kendala yang masih dihadapinya. Terutama sekali dalam hal penyediaan sumber daya insani (SDI) yang handal dan mampu membuat terobosan bagi kebutuhan masyarakat terhadap keuangan syariah.


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Sudah Saatnya Pemerintah Bentuk LPS-KJK

Posted on 15 July 2009 by permodalanbmt

JAKARTA: Pemerintah diminta merealisasi pendirian lembaga penjaminan simpanan koperasi jasa keuangan (LPS-KJK), dengan menuangkannya pada rancangan undang-undang perkoperasian yang diharapkan disahkan tahun ini. Continue Reading